Design & Development
We Mighty warners does not have any hidden terms and conditions. Mighty Warners provides a legal contract to you with all the terms and conditions. limited reclamation period and refund rights: the right to ask for a refund – per incident- plan will expire within thirty 30 calendar days & under the signed terms & condition (reclamation period) starting from the date of purchase. If you feel that mighty warners has not provided correct work or job has done or unwanted work as per selected service and signed terms & conditions you can ask for refund. Third party charged as non-refunddable, plugins or integration or shipping charges are non-refundable, Taxes refund are depends on state rules circumstances
Like many other Web sites, mighty warners makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track users movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.
This clause may not be applicable for those who belong to some specific states and jurisdictions where the limitation of refund rights is not allowed. Any other valid refund right will not be affected by this clause. We mighty warners follow separate policy as per states juridiction of INDIA, USA, UAE.
Certain terms defined in these Terms and Conditions are also used in the Privacy Policy and are integrated by reference to these Terms and Conditions.
Software, Materials, Services and other related information are collectively referred to as
You means you individually, any person, including any employer that you are acting on behalf of.
Selective or single service or project provided by mighty warners consider as non-refundable or refundable as signed terms & conditions and are non-upgradable and work after the deadline due to mighty warners are refundable or free or as per signed terms & conditions Alternatively, if same situation or incidents happen from a client, customer or "YOU" side after the contract signed under terms & conditions, "the deadline period extend charges are applicable", different amount then the signed amount. Remember: Mighty Warners provides complimentary service for content like- images , write-up, video or graphics for website development & designing. Hence, refund or payment are not applicable for "complimentary content". Please be informed that complimentary services can be suspend, stop or become chargeable under any circumtances or as per contarct signed terms & conditions and we will inform the same to "client or customer or You".
Any material or downloading option or content or website image of graphics are in-house production of mighty warners and RM Enterprises joined hand of mighty warners, claims for images or contents or write-up on mighty warners is not applicable.
Payment for "Selective or single service or project" is applicable after the customer, client ot "YOU" concent, alternatively refund is applicable after the custemer, client ot "YOU" concent and both situations are responsible to follow the layout of contarct signed terms & conditions. All the payment is to be done before the start of the support or service unless ratified by the mighty warners or as per contract signed terms & conditions, in case the payment is done done then situation of dismissal of contract is possible, alternatively if payment is done after contract signed date or deadline then "client or customer or You" may face to pay different amount for the service or contract.
All bill from mighty warners or for any service from mighty warners are soft or computer generated no stamp or signed required. While providing the credit card information, you allow the mighty warners to serve the payment procedure. At the time you authorize the credit card issuer to release the mentioned amount without any query of the signed receipt or contarct signed amount or subscription amount. In case of a debit card, the charges described will be applied on the same debit card till a genuine credit card detail is provided for the subscription or renewal kind service. Else for the case of electronic fund transfer, the account details will be subjected to the transfer of the charge. In all the cases the terms and conditions of the issuing bank and credit card issuer as per the case may be, will be served at the fullest.
We "Mighty Warners" always provide service with satisfaction. Giving an extension to the services available is now easier. If the details provided at the time of the first contract remains same, the term of the support renews automatically for the same period declared in the last existing contract. If in case you are willing to change the terms of the contract while renewing or cancel the renewal, you are required to contact the mighty warners by yourself.
The services available are under the guidelines of “fair use policy” enlisted by the mighty warners , which is considered to be tampered or termination of policy is applicable if:
If it's found that customer, client or "YOU" caused any kind of harm activity for the contract or mighty warners then contract or terms & conditions are subjected to be terminate or tempered & no refund polices are applicable. Termporary suspension may happen, due to other state jurisdictions or circumstances of natural act, refund is not applicable, alternatively which will be decided under the sole right of the mighty warners.
As soon as you visit the page, the privacy policy of mighty warners applies or accept cookies policy. You are required to study the terms carefully. While processing, this ensures that it is with your consent that the information disclosed to MightyWarner via the telephonic conversation, email or otherwise are not confidential. While giving the support and installing a plugins following information will be transferred for the analysis of your computer:
The information transferred to the mighty warners in the UAE, that may have less protective data protection laws than the region in which you are situated (including the European Union), but mighty warners possesses the adequate security so that the collected information if transferred, receives an adequate level of protection, alternatively data are always encripted and lies under electronic packet, singel visualization or use is not possibel or applicable.
Visitor or user or subscriper or client or customer or "YOU" can follow best level of security from your end. breaching of any information of your computer or browser mighty warners is not responsible.
We use third party tools like Google plugins or any plugin or wordpress or microft and you are expected to follow the terms & conditions of the third party tools.
We use third party servive to help you alternatvely you can ask to stop third party service, if you stop third party service then replacement of service may caused separate contract or payment.
Third party tools use your interface and interfere in data, mighty warners is not responsible for any kind of data breach or incident or circumstances due to third party or third party policy.
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